The next iPad App I'm gonna check out is the Google earth App for iPhone and iPad. I've been playing with Google earth on my iPad 2 and just like Google earth for PC's it's very cool! With a flip of the finger spin the earth on your iPad or iPhone easily with Google earth for iPad. Stop at whatever continent you want and zoom in with your fingers. The response is smooth and instantaneous and it's incredible how much detail is in Google Maps.

I easily zoomed in to my street on Long Island, NY and found my house then spun the Google earth for iPad around to the Philippines and found my wife's town and neighborhood on the other side of the world. The "Locate Me" function is incredible. It found me and zoomed in, no problem, running my Wi-Fi only iPad 2 from home. Awesome! Google earth is THE authority on Geo-Imagery and the Google earth App is absolutely one of the best Free Apps on the Apple iTunes App Store. I say it's a must have. If you don't have it download it from the Apple App Store here: Top free apps on the App Store
Do you have any information if google earth on ipad is available in the Philippines already?